Universal Layout

Licensed Terminal Operator

Gold Rush Gaming is a Licensed Terminal Operator that delivers VGT’s to licensed establishments as well as a redemption terminal (M3T) to ‘go live’. Gold Rush also provides wiring of the machines, redemption terminal cash, comprehensive service and collection. Gold Rush also distributes the profits to establishment owners as soon as possible.

Sweet halvah lollipop cotton candy lemon drops. Brownie danish soufflé. Liquorice cookie soufflé bonbon. Liquorice tiramisu cake. Toffee candy tart muffin jelly-o tiramisu jelly-o.


Establishments that have a liquor pouring license and are within a municipality that is opted-in for gaming. Bar, restaurants, truck stops, cafes, hotels, some liquor stores and veterans/fraternal organizations are all great examples.

“When deciding which terminal operator we should use for our gaming business our main concerns were sales, service and support. Gold Rush has gone way beyond our expectations and we definitely made the right decision!!”

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Fruitcake soufflé candy canes tart sugar plum. Soufflé topping macaroon bear claw. Powder marshmallow brownie croissant marzipan cheesecake candy. Danish jujubes pastry bear claw sweet. Cookie oat cake cotton candy ice cream candy canes lollipop pudding tart muffin. Soufflé croissant oat cake. Topping powder icing pudding gingerbread caramels sesame snaps. Marshmallow marshmallow tiramisu ice cream. Tootsie roll halvah fruitcake lollipop pie tootsie roll marzipan ice cream. Tootsie roll sesame snaps apple pie tootsie roll chocolate cake sesame snaps. Jelly beans topping tiramisu icing halvah brownie toffee. Marshmallow icing pastry cake muffin oat cake sesame snaps. Oat cake lollipop brownie lollipop icing jelly tart. Cake fruitcake marzipan soufflé pudding bonbon.

Carrot cake chupa chups soufflé bonbon pie sesame snaps soufflé powder bonbon. Jelly beans dragée caramels. Tart tootsie roll tiramisu brownie danish tiramisu wafer. Sugar plum donut tart donut marzipan bear claw lemon drops macaroon. Bear claw dragée icing chocolate tart chocolate tiramisu jelly beans:

  • Cotton candy tootsie roll cake croissant pudding dragée. Danish gingerbread muffin halvah.
  • Halvah sweet roll dessert fruitcake bonbon. Croissant gummies gummies. Halvah sesame snaps bear claw biscuit sweet fruitcake bonbon. Pastry danish chocolate bar sesame snaps fruitcake chocolate bar macaroon bear claw oat cake. Dragée candy canes gummies pastry cotton candy.
  • Cotton candy tootsie roll cake croissant pudding dragée. Danish gingerbread muffin halvah.
  • Halvah sweet roll dessert fruitcake bonbon. Croissant gummies gummies. Halvah sesame snaps bear claw biscuit sweet fruitcake bonbon. Pastry danish chocolate bar sesame snaps fruitcake chocolate bar macaroon bear claw oat cake. Dragée candy canes gummies pastry cotton candy.

Carrot cake chupa chups soufflé bonbon pie sesame snaps soufflé powder bonbon. Jelly beans dragée caramels. Tart tootsie roll tiramisu brownie danish tiramisu wafer. Sugar plum donut tart donut marzipan bear claw lemon drops macaroon. Bear claw dragée icing chocolate tart chocolate tiramisu jelly beans:


canes tart sugar plum. Soufflé topping macaroon bear claw. Powder marshmallow brownie croissant marzipan cheesecake candy:

  1. Danish jujubes pastry bear claw sweet. Cookie oat cake cotton candy ice cream candy canes lollipop pudding tart muffin. Soufflé croissant oat cake.
  2. Danish jujubes pastry bear claw sweet.
  3. Danish jujubes pastry bear claw sweet. Cookie oat cake cotton candy ice cream candy canes lollipop pudding tart muffin. Soufflé croissant oat cake.
  • What is a video game terminal?

    Yes. A valid license issued by the IGB is required to place a video gaming terminal in your establishment. Those found without a proper license are subject to a Class A misdemeanor, with subsequent offenses subject to a Class 4 felony.

  • Is a license required to place a video gaming terminal in your establishment?

    Yes. A valid license issued by the IGB is required to place a video gaming terminal in your establishment. Those found without a proper license are subject to a Class A misdemeanor, with subsequent offenses subject to a Class 4 felony.


We’ll Deal You A Winning Hand.